Thursday, January 17, 2008


I truly have not had time to write, but here are a few pics of the kids:) Haha, I mean a couple of the kids!!!!


A Team said...

LOVE THE BACK BENDS... too cute!

I bet they are just best of friends!

The Redman's said...

Cute cute!! I heard that you're going to be in the Portland area in the near future! (we had a little AGCI get together yesterday...) Is Portland as far north as your heading or will you guys venture into WA at all???? It would be fun to plan a get together if you guys are around for a bit. :)


The Redman's said...

Well- keep me posted on when you guys are planning a trip out west! We coordinate a get together with Mikelle too!! I love hanging out with her-- she's great!!
