Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ethiopian meal~kind of
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Where is she???
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas What!?!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Dec. 17th, 2007 (Monday)
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Dec. 16th, 2007
We arrived! (almost in one piece!heehee!) I think it was close to 9:00pm when we finally landed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Wow, was that a long flight!! Stacy was able to catch a few z's, not me, I just sat and let my mind wander and cried on and off for almost the full 18hrs:)
Amazingly all of our luggage made it, halleluja! Now was the fun part... trying to load 6 families luggage onto the top of a van!! God bless Danny and Yohanas(sp?) They are master packers if you ask me! All of us then crammed into another van and off we went through the city to our hotel. I really was dilusional by thinking that I had read and seen enough pictures of Ethiopia to be prepared to see the city. I don't think you can truely prepare your heart and mind for seeing small starving children running along side of speeding cars, barefoot, begging for one burr(about 9 cents). It broke our hearts to say the least. But even in the midst of such poverty, these beautiful people were so lovely. Every single child and adult I met eyes with gave back the most heart warming smile. What lessons we Americans can learn! That was about it for that night..... and no, we did not sleep!
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Dec. 15th, 2007
Our day begins at 3:00am with the always obnoxious noise of the alarm clock, but we weren't asleep. This night started the string of 2-4hr nights of sleep! We lugged the 6 gigantic bags through the airport with many curious stares and to the ticket counter where to our amazement the lady never weighed or charged us the extra bag fee!!!! God is good!
2hrs to Denver, 4hrs there, 3hrs to D.C, 6hrs there, and the Ethiopian time began. I say Ethiopian time because time is not rushed for their culture!! We stood in a line of around 25 for over 2hrs!!! There we met the other 6 wonderful families traveling with us. Then up to the ticket counter here. Now keep in mind, we had only our carry on's for Hirut's and our luggage, to say the least we packed light!!! The other bags were full to the brim with donations. Anyway, Ethiopian Air carry on's can only weigh 20lbs each!!! Ours were 40! Then the woman said the words that brought my sleep deprived self to tears.... "That will be $387.00"! What! After me crying like a baby and explaining the donations we only ended up paying $50! Again, as always, The Lord had his hand in all.
On to Rome, and Finally Ethiopia. Just a heads up, they feed you the whole way, so come hungry!!! Again, Ethiopia time, one meal ends then coffee, and then almost right away comes the next meal,heehee.
I know I'm long winded, anyone who knows me knows I can talk!!!!! Ill be back soon:)
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Monday, December 24, 2007
From Montana to Ethiopia~and Back!
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Home~Sweet Home!
Were Home!!!
I cannot promise that I will be making sense with my fuzzy jet lagged head, but I will do my best to relay our trip(a little at a time:) Much to come!
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A new sense of Peace
I'm not sure if it is because I finished all of my Christmas shopping, or that I am pretty much packed.... but I now feel an amazing sense of peace. I have know since we started this adoption that God had his signature placed beautifully at the bottom of this chapter in our lives, but I don't think that I was entirely trusting him to guide my steps. As I have said many times in the past, I struggle with letting go and letting the Holy Spirit drive!!!
I just joined a list serve of other amazing strong parents who too are going through or have been through international adoption. It is so wonderful to hear all of the stories and advice that everyone brings. Thank you to all of you who have sent me pictures of my little girl, I love it that so many of you have already met her!
I can't wait until I can post pictures of ALL of my kids on here! They are all such neat people and bring me so much joy ( and heart ache:) )heehee, sorry kids, but it is true!!!!
I'll be writing more when we are safely home!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Packing, Packing, Packing!!!
A huge thank you to our wonderful church, SHEC, (South Hills Evangelical Church), for your generosity! We have filled 6,50lb. bags of supplies for the orphanage, YAHOO! I feel so blessed to be able to take these items, we couldn't have done it without all of your help.
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Friday, December 07, 2007
Labels: Busy packing donations for HH
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Were Leaving!!
We are now in the running around with our heads cut off stage!!! I still am not sure why I have not learned not to wait for the last minute to do things, but I haven't, so now I am acting like a crazy woman trying to prepare for X-mas, leaving for Ethiopia(on the 15th) and a million other things I won't bore you with. I am amazed at all of the emotions I have running through my head and heart. It almost seems like someone has magnified every detail of my life 100000x's.
I want to thank our chuch with all of my being for your incredible donations for Hannah's Hope! We have 6 50lb. bags of needed items to bless the orphange with, thanks to all you SHECies!!! (South Hills Evangelical Church) I was brought to my knees with all of the beautiful words of encouragment we recieved. Thank you all too for the many prayers, it really does mean a lot.
Well, I am needing to get off of my computer and get some stuff done, I will keep you all posted! Be on the look-out for many Pics!!!!
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007