Last week Kyah had another first~ a field trip:) The idea of leaving school with the rest of the class (and her mom) was funny to her, but exciting too.
I am realizing I have become a lazy mom for my youngest two. With the older three it seemed I was always the class mom, going on every field trip, planning all the holiday parties, etc..... This year I am really trying to be "that Mom" again, and finding my way back has been tiring! It's not that I didn't do those things with Chloee, and Chase, it just wasn't with the same pizazz and perfection. (probably because I knew how much effort it took, and because we were home schooling) It's kind of funny, but I think it took less effort when we were home schooling:)
Anyway, the field trip was wonderful, thanks to the beautiful sunshine! We went to an art museum and the kids were able to make sculptures with clay, Fun! I wanted to dig in , but I was supposed to be helping the kids:) Then on we walked to the city library where Kyah found as many books on Ethiopia as she could. It was so cute because all of her classmates huddled around her while she showed them pictures and told stories.... Oh, how I hope she holds on tight to those memories. The bus ride home about put us adults to sleep, and I have to say I don't know how those kids make it all day with just lunch. I was starving!!!
~Another wonderful memory~
Kyah is so beautiful! She looks great with her braces (I for one loved having braces!!) and she looks so happy! The story of finding the Ethiopian books is just precious.
jen in mi
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